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Need dashboard for me to track things that help me improve both my personal and professional self

My Role

User Research, Ideation and UI Design

Started by researching about the dashboards. Like how a dashboard should be, What are all the things a dashboard can contain, etc., Also looked for some similar products. But all I found was task trackers and fitness trackers. But found a great article on "Defining the process of Designing a Dashboard". It was really helpful in defining my process. (Lost the link ;-)

Once the market research is over started the user research. Of course, in this case, researching myself. Defining my goals and finding out what stops me from achieving them. Once the problems are found ordered them hierarchically from most important to least. And created a persona of myself. Yeah, you would have already had a glance into that.

Once the persona is created started the ideation process. Sorry for such an ugly image. I stuck in my house without sticky notes (quarantine, you know). Drew all my ideas in a paper. Once I felt like “Pheww! enough of drawing”, I started analyzing all my ideas. The main criteria are ‘is it possible to track? & is it feasible?’. Also tried different versions to show particular data. Finally came up with a set of metrics that will help me achieve my goals.

Once the metrics are finalized started the wireframes. Tried different representations and layouts. Once a satisfying version of the wireframe is achieved, started designing the screen. Below you see the final version of the dashboard

Starting with the main issue. Taking up on multiple tasks and not completing anything properly. Created two sections for tasks alone. One for tasks that needed to be completed in one day. It helps me complete tasks one by one and not to get distracted by another task. Another section is for long-term tasks. One with deadlines and notifications. These two sections not only helps to keep track of tasks but also to remember them as forgetting things plays a major role in all the problems.

The next one is maintaining the budget. Of course, it cannot be tracked and need to update it manually. So, tried to make it as simple as possible. Its main objective is not only to keep track of the money. It also suggests how much we can spend each day to sustain until the given budget date. Also keeping track of my subscription is another major problem in handling budget. So, can add all my subscriptions and their details. So, it can notify me and also helps me plan my budget as this is also included when suggesting spending plans.

Another problem is spending too much time on mobile. Even though we cannot stop one from using mobile phones, we can warn them. This is getting possible when one installs the mobile app and provide necessary permissions. We can adjust the timing and notification settings from both the mobile and web versions.

These two sections help me learn and practice design every day. The courses section help me track the online courses I’ve enrolled in. Because I always enroll, take the course until some point and then I totally forget about it. This helps me keep track of them. When I’m taking some offline or online courses which cannot be tracked, I can always add them here. It’ll act as a reminder instead of a tracker. The social media section keeps track of all my design profiles. Getting a like in dribble or Behance always motivates me to do more. So, this will help me a lot in inspiring myself.

And finally, Walking tracker. I’m the kind of person who eats a lot but never get fat. But I noticed that my weight is increasing in the lockdown. I realized that it is because I’m not walking a lot like I used to. So, I decided to add a walking tracker and help me track it and achieve my expectation. This is also can be done using the mobile app and appropriate permissions.

Thanks for reading the case study. I’ll be more than happy to receive feedback. So, if you have any, please let me know.